The Memory Lane app administrator is the person who first downloaded and installed the app on their phone and thus activated the CareScreen.
The administrator is linked to the Memory Lane CareScreen and can add other app users by completing the following steps:

  1. Go to the app.
  2. Press the “Memory Lane” icon.
  3. In the window that appears, click on “Relation Management”
  4. Press “Send Invitation” at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Press “role” (at the top of the screen) to indicate what the connection is.
  6. The QR code shown can be scanned by the new app user.
  7. In the opening screen of the new app user, go to the menu on the top right. By pressing the menu, 4 options follow, including “scan QR codes.” Pressing this will activate your camera and allow you to scan the displayed QR code. This will connect you to the CareScreen.
  8. If the new app user is not around, the QR code can be e-mailed to the new app user. The administrator can do this by pressing “share” in the app. Here you can share the invitation via Whatsapp, e-mail, or another medium. Please note that the code after clicking < em>”invite” has a limited validity. If the person does not click on the link within this time, they should be invited again.
  9. After scanning the code, the new app user will be visible in the “Image Calling” screen on the care display.